mini newsletters

Live like an Artist
home page link blog page merch links artwork in progress news according to me contact


This page is for information in the form of newsletters. There be topics that trend, topics of muse, or even those as deep as a rabbit hole. But the will all pertain to artwork creation. At the time this page was created, there is no set schedule, other than at least once a month. But strangely enough, I have pushed through more than I expected for January.

2022 January

Issue 1: bio
Issue 2: handwritten fonts
Issue 3: fonts and paragrapgh styles
Issue 4: templates (and took my own advice)
Issue 5: just talking
Issue 6: January recap

2022 February

Issue 7: icy cold
Issue 8: it just had to happen

2022 April

Issue 9: does art matter?

2022 August

Issue 10: it's been a long time

2022 September

Issue 11: getting back to normal

2022 October

Issue 12: getting back to normal hurts
Issue 13: time to create art

2024 July

Issue 14: what do you know?